Monday, June 28, 2010

So Many Updates!

It really has been far too long since I last updated this blog. Since I don't want to overwhelm anyone with deathly boring details, I will just post some picture updates over the next few days, especially after I figure out how to use Gimp for Linux (I usually use Photoshop but its not compatible with Kubuntu >:(

Anyway, at the end of February the piggies were spending a delightful wheekend at their Dad's house. They have their own room and are essentially free range while there. Unfortunately, while sweeping up some poos, I noticed something wrong with Clementine's left eye. It looked like there was a bit of hay sticking out of her now-ulcerated eye, so we gently tried to pull it out, but when that didn't work, we made an emergency appointment with the vet at AZEAH.

Clemmy as her usual self.

As it turns out, Clemmy managed to get a foxtail seed stuck deep in her eye and needed emergency surgery to get it out. The procedure didn't take very long, but she did need a couple weeks of medication.

Clemmy the day after surgery.

She had a bluish-white glaze over her eye and it was quite ulcerated. However, after about three days of applying medication every 6 hours...

Much better!

We are back to a much more normal-looking eye! It was still swollen for a few days, but nothing nearly as bad as it was before. She is now fully recovered.

This, of course was the culprit:

Evil foxtail.

These are found quite often in hay, no matter the brand and location. I've found it in Kleenmama's, Oxbow, and in our local sources. Because of that, we've been stuck with the arduous task of combing through all the hay to make sure we don't get stuck with another $700 vet bill.