Hello world! Well, we are quite the trio and hope you enjoy this brand new blog concocted by Mom here. But first, I suppose we should introduce ourselves.
Our human, Monica, is a college student studying English Literature and it was really her idea to come up with this blog. We suppose she needs some sort of creative outlet that doesn't include nine page essays entitled "Pernicious Dualities: A Study and Comparison on the Manipulative Characters of Othello and The Faerie Queene." Whatever, we just think she slacks in the hay department. Aside from that, she stays quite busy with her women's human right's student organization called Women Beyond Borders. We really appreciate her desire to help the unfortunate since it reminds us of the time she adopted us!
This is our other human, Dave. He's been Mom's boyfriend for over five years (!) and usually visits on the weekends. He's a computer tech so he's a very logical person. Sometimes Mom says "too logical" but we don't really care because he gives us all the hay we can poop on and extra veggies. Mom doesn't like that because it "spoils" us and apparently messes up our daily calcium to phosphorus ratio that she carefully calculates. It doesn't matter to us since we love the extra stuff! Anyway, he's a liberal person, too, and absolutely loves animals! He cares for three cats at his house: Liz, Susie, and Kitty.
And last, but certainly not least, us! We're Maggie and Ginny, two year old sows. Mom adopted us last July from the Arizona Humane Society. Maggie was a stray, apparently. We suppose someone tried to "set her free" into the wilds of the park, but it didn't work out for her. We don't know Ginny's story, unfortunately, since the volunteers mixed up her papers with someone else. Maybe one day she'll let us know.
Good for you, Mom, for starting such a cute blog about Maggie and Ginny! Love the name!
Why thank you! :)
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